As a medical service provider, we handle your personal data and your medical record with utmost care at Hair Science Clinic. Naturally, we process these data exclusively for the medical purpose for which you provided them, in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Telecommunications Act.
1. Company Information
Company Name: Hair Science Institute B.V
Chamber of Commerce Registration Number: 062614207
VAT Number: NL855321921B01
2. Cookies
On this site, we use cookies (a cookie is a small file sent by an Internet server and installed on the hard drive of your computer. This file keeps track of the visited Internet site and contains some data about this visit.)
- to register your preferences
- to record information specific to you, such as the web pages you consulted to go to our site
- to record your previous activities on the site, to provide you with better service on your next visit
- to show you relevant advertisements after your visit to our website
- to ensure that you do not repeatedly receive the same advertisements
- to adjust the content and presentation of the site based on your browser type or other information sent by the browser
3. Email Address
In the context of a closed agreement, we may offer you promotions for similar products and services unless you have objected when providing this information. The option to object is indicated at the time of providing your details. Furthermore, you are offered the opportunity to object under the same conditions against further use of your email address in each communication. When collecting your email address for reasons other than a closed agreement, it will not be used for transmitting unsolicited communication unless you have given permission.
4. Mailing Address
We use your mailing address only to send information and documents related to you personally.
5. Phone Number
Unless you have indicated that you do not appreciate this, we may contact you by phone to inform you about products and services. During each call, you will be informed of the possibility to object and register in the “do not call” register.
6. Other Personal Data
We process other personal data only (through cookies, reading peripheral equipment, or otherwise) if:
- the data processing is necessary for the execution of an agreement with you;
- the proper fulfillment of a public-law task;
- the protection of our legitimate interest (unless your interest or fundamental rights and freedoms prevail over this interest), or;
- you have given consent to the processing when collecting it. We will not keep your data longer than necessary for the processing purposes for which they were collected.
7. Special Personal Data
The collected information is used only internally and is not disclosed to other organizations.
8. Security of Data Transfer and Reception
We have implemented the necessary security measures to prevent the loss, unauthorized use, or alteration of information received on our site.
9. Data Storage Security
We store as little customer data as possible and ensure that our database does not contain any particularly sensitive personal data unless absolutely necessary. The transmission of personal data by email is done through a secure connection. We take technical and organizational measures to prevent the loss or unlawful processing of data (such as attacks). We guarantee an appropriate level of security and periodically have our site tested. All systems processing (sensitive) personal data are equipped with antivirus software and the latest security-related patches for all other major software, as issued by the suppliers of this software. At least twice a year, our site is tested for application vulnerabilities from the so-called OWASP top 10. If you want your personal data to be deleted, send an email to:, and your data will be deleted upon your request.
10. Access to Your Data
Upon request, we provide visitors to our website with information about the personal data processed about them. Any incorrect data can be corrected, supplemented, or deleted. If you wish to access this information or improve your personal data, please contact us at this address:
11. Contact
If you wish to respond to this privacy policy, you can contact us via or by phone: +31(0)43 6018101. This privacy policy can be changed at any time. We will publish these changes here, and in case of any changes, you will be notified by email.